Chasing Self Actualization

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Realizing Your True Worth: Why You Are a 10 Out of 10

In this episode of Chasing Self-Actualization, Marisol and I had the pleasure of interviewing David Reeser, the CEO of OpiAID. Recording this episode was an absolute joy, and I found the content to be profoundly life-changing. I’m not just saying that; the energy and insights shared genuinely impacted my perspective on authenticity and self-worth.

To set the stage, let me highlight something David brings to our attention in this episode. By sharing his own story, he illustrates the inherent value of every human life. He asks Marisol to rate herself on a scale of 1-10 without providing any metrics. David explains that people often choose their own criteria for self-evaluation and typically rate themselves around a 7, sometimes much lower. He then emphasizes that each of us has infinite value and that we are all a 10. Our worth cannot be added to or diminished.
David points out that the human brain has 88 billion neurons, each with 10,000 unique connections, making it the most complex object in the known universe. He contrasts this with the vastness of the universe, which spans 485 million light-years across, noting that it would take over 400 million years to traverse it at the speed of light. Despite this enormity, the human brain remains the most intricate and beautiful object known. As we are created in God’s image, how can we be anything less than a 10?
Throughout the episode, the recurring theme is everyone’s inherent worth, and David invites us all to see ourselves as a 10 and embrace that belief.
Reflecting on this, I wondered why any of us would hesitate to fully accept the idea that we are a 10 out of 10. For me, it comes down to unmet potential. I believe there are still things I want to achieve, and not every aspect of my life is where I want it to be. There are areas where I think I could do better or at least wish I could. However, while listening to this episode, I shifted into a new energy. If I had a vehicle that could take me anywhere I needed to go, would I rate it based on all the places I haven’t been, or would I rate it based on its capacity to get me there?
This episode helped me realize that I AM my potential. The journey from where I am today to where I envision myself is one I am capable of traveling because I possess the most complex and beautiful object in the known universe. I have the ability to focus my thoughts, attention, words, and the direction of my life towards my deepest desires, passions, and calling.

As I sat with this episode I knew that I wanted to shift my perspective from “when I have, I will” and instead begin to say “I AM and therefore I do!” To recognize that I AM my potential. I AM anything I envision myself to be because I have the ability to hold that vision, anchor into it, focus on it, and move toward it. Imagine if you needed an ingredient for a cake you were baking. Imagine you have the funds to buy that ingredient, the car to drive there, and the ability to go in and get it but instead of utilizing your ability to do so, you shame yourself for not having already gotten the ingredient. You tell yourself you were at the store just yesterday and you should have gotten it then. You tell yourself you’re terrible at baking because you are never prepared. Imagine the exhaustion of living with this mindset, always feeling inadequate instead of recognizing that you are everything you need to be, even before you achieve your goals.

What struck me about David Reeser before I ever asked him to be on the podcast was that he appeared so authentic and congruent. I saw him as someone who is aligned with his soul’s purpose, which is a fancy way of saying, I noticed his authenticity. Before having him on the episode I saw authenticity differently than I do now. I saw it as someone who was honest. Someone who didn’t pretend to be something they’re not. I used the word integrity often to describe it.

This episode changed my understanding of authenticity and how to achieve it. When we anchor into our full potential and maintain focus on our inherent value, we show up with the energy of our wholeness. This doesn’t mean we always have everything we need at all times or never come up short. It means we acknowledge our potential. When we don’t have an ingredient for the cake, we go get it. It’s about recognizing that we may have bad moments, hard times, and areas needing improvement, but we are anchored into the vision we hold for ourselves.

This has helped me shape a clearer view of alignment because I can see that alignment is merely heading in the direction I have projected forth.

There are so many gems in this episode of Chasing Self-Actualization that I have listened to it several times, and each time I find a new awareness that resonates with me.

I love the opportunity this podcast gives for both Marisol and myself to interview people and talk on these topics. To go deep, to explore our individual journeys and to be enlightened by our guest’s unique perspectives on this journey we call life.

Today I am committed to anchoring into the vision I hold for myself and standing in alignment with that vision. Regardless of the circumstances, or how things appear in any given moment, I live in alignment with the vision I hold for myself.

I added an exercise to this episode which I did myself and had such fun with it. I created several I Am statements in which I wrote things out in accordance with a vision for myself where I am fulfilling my calling in every area of my life. I spent a few minutes anchoring into those statements to ensure that every action I take today is in alignment with my I AM statements.

I hope you’ll listen to the episode, and share your insights with me. I would love to hear how it has impacted you.

To get the full experience of this episode, you can click the link below to listen to our podcast: